Sunday, January 31, 2016

week of February 1st

Hi everyone! Can you believe it is FEBRUARY?! The month of January flew by! I hope everyone had a great weekend and enjoyed the nice weather. Please read the information below about upcoming events in our classroom:

1. Valentine's Day- We will have our class party Feb. 12 at 2:15.  I will send home a class list of names if your child would like to bring Valentine's cards for their friends. We will be making Valentine boxes to put our cards in next week. Each child will need an empty cereal box for their Valentine box. Please send these in by Monday, Feb. 8th. If you have extra, please send them in! Thank you!

2. Field trip- Our field trip to the Macon Grand will be February 10th. We will wear dress uniforms.

2. Chapel Presentation- Our class will be presenting a short poem in chapel on Friday, February 12th. We would love for you to come watch us!

3. Winter break- Winter break is Feb. 15 and 16th.

4. Simple machines- We will continue our study of simple machines this week. We will be making some of our own simple machines at the end of the week.

5. Lion King- The kids are so excited about our school wide performance of The Lion King on February 26th.

6. Math homework- You will notice math homework looks different this week. We are doing a review of adding and subtracting :)

Finally, here are some pictures from last week!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016



Our WACKY girls!

WACKY teachers!

Somebody snuck in a selfie....

We made our own "selfie stick" with a yard stick :)

These kids made us laugh A LOT today! Don't forget tomorrow is Spirit day! 
Cheerleaders are raising money for Relay for Life.  They will be selling pom poms for $1 and tattoos for $0.50 during morning carpool on Thursday, January 28.  All proceeds will be donated to Relay for Life.  Show your dragon spirit and help a great cause! Thanks! -Shannon

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Our first grade cowboy and cowgirls were so cute! We had such a fun day. Don't forget tomorrow is Wacky Wednesday. We learned about the "dge" sound today during reading. We had our three sheriffs show their baDGE. How perfect!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Week of January 25th

Happy Spirit Week everyone!!! The kids are SO excited for this fun week!

Don't forget...

1.Our dress up days:
Tuesday- Cowboy/cowgirl day
Wednesday- Wacky day
Thursday- Spirit day
Friday- House color day

2. Field trip : I have a few families signed up for the field trip in February. If you have not signed up please do so.

3. Library books- We checked out books today in the library. Everyone is doing a great job of taking an AR test. Way to go!

4. Language arts this week:
We will be focusing on comparative endings -er and -est, words with dge, sequencing of events, contractions

5. Math this week:
We will be focusing on more comparison symbols, comparison number stories, two digit addition and subtraction, and the number 100 on the 100th day of school! We have a lot of fun activities planned for the 100th day!!

6. Science this week: We will begin our study of simple machines

We have a fun, full week ahead!!!

Friday, January 22, 2016

Fifth grade buddies!

We had the best time with our fifth grade book buddies! Each first grader was paired with a fifth grade "book buddy" today. The kids had a ball! It was so fun to watch our sweet first graders interact and read with the awesome fifth graders. It was really cute! We will meet with our book buddies every other Friday. Next visit we will get to go visit them in their classroom! 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Spirit week changes

Hey everyone! There is a change in our spirit week ...

We will still celebrate the 100th day of school on Thursday but we won't be dressing up like 100 year old ladies and men. The teachers decided it would be hard to participate in the pep rally dressed up :) We will still be celebrating the 100th day in the class but instead dressed up in our SGES spirit wear! So Thursday wear your favorite SGES shirt and get ready for a fun day celebrating the 100th day AND showing our SGES spirit! GO DRAGONS!

Spirit Week :
Monday- comfy day
Tuesday-Cowboy/cowgirl day
Wednesday-Wacky day
Thursday-SGES Spirit day
Friday-House colors

Thanks everybody! -Shannon

Monday, January 18, 2016

Week of January 18th

Hi everyone! I hope everyone has had a great  weekend! I have been thinking about our sweet class today and how much they enjoyed learning about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ! Make sure to check our their awesome MLK portraits in the hallway and their "I have a dream" writing projects. 

We have a full four day week ahead of us!
* In language arts we will be focusing on r-controlled vowels, contractions, drawing conclusions when we read, writing facts, and writing using am/is/was/were. 
*In math we will be working on counting and place value application, measuring a path, and we will be doing some exploration with base-10 exchanges, lengths, and path measurement. 
*In social studies we will be learning about our seven continents. We will have a continent location quiz on Friday. Please review with your child the location of our seven continents. I will send home a world map on Tuesday .Friday they will be asked to label each continent.  Don't worry about spelling :) 

A few other notes...
1. Don't forget to sign up for the field trip on Feb. 10th
2. Graded papers are going home Tuesday. Please sign and return
3. Keep up the AWESOME work with AR books! EVERYONE took an AR test last week! WOO HOO! Keep it up! 
4. Spirit week is coming up! We will celebrate spirit week the week of Jan. 25th! Each day will be a special dress up day.
Monday- Comfy day
Tuesday- Class day- Our class voted to dress up like cowboys and cowgirls
Wednesday- Wacky day
Thursday- 100th day of school- dress up like you are 100 years old
Friday- House colors

Have a great week! Thank you! -Shannon

Friday, January 15, 2016

Thank you!!!

A big THANK YOU for making my birthday so special! It was such a fun day! We have such a sweet group of kiddos. Thank you for all of my surprises yesterday! It made my day! Have a wonderful, long weekend! I attached the spelling words for next week since we will have one less day to practice them. Thank you again for being so sweet! Love, Mrs. Shannon

Spelling words for the week of January 18th
Spelling Words
Challenge words:
* North America

Thursday, January 14, 2016

A few reminders...

Hi! I have a few reminders for you...

-Tomorrow, January 15, the Relay for Life elective will host their last dress down day of the school year.  Half the proceeds from this dress down day will be donated to a friend of SGES’s family diagnosed with breast cancer; the other half of the proceeds will benefit the American Cancer Society.  We encourage everyone to buy a $5 wristband, dress down, and wear pink

- Tomorrow we will have our spelling test and your child will be tested on math facts or sight words.

- If your child has not taken an AR test yet this week they will need to do that tomorrow. We are encouraging everyone to take one test (or more!) a week. Thanks for your help with this!

-Don't forget there is no school on Monday.

Have a wonderful , long weekend! -Shannon

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Awesome first grade readers!

It has been so fun for me to see how far these kids have come with their reading since August! I snapped a few pictures of one my favorite parts of the day....when we get to read together! I am so proud of them! Don't forget to have your child read to you every night for at least ten minutes. Also, don't forget to read to them! A fun idea is to do "flip flop reading" with your child. You read a page and then have them read a page. Flip flop back and forth :) 

Spirit week

January 25th- 29th will be spirit week. Each day will be a different dress up day. The kids are VERY excited about this week!

Monday- Comfy Day- Wear pajamas or comfortable clothes. Please make sure your child has tennis shoes for recess. Slipper are okay but your child will be responsible for changing shoes.

Tuesday- Class Day – Our class voted to dress up like cowboys and cowgirls. Yee haw!

Wednesday- Wacky Tacky- Wear tacky and crazy clothes!

Thursday- 100TH day of school – Dress up like you are 100 years old!

Friday- Wear your house shirt colors (dress in house colors from head to toe). We will have a house competition on this day.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Week of January 11th

Hi everyone! I hope everyone had a great weekend! This week in language arts we will be learning about animal fantasy, inflected endings “ed” , “ing”, and r controlled “ar” words. We will also be learning about the importance of a plot in a story. The class is excited to read “Frog and Toad Together” in our reading book this week. In math we will be learning about place value and comparing numbers using greater than, less than, and equal to symbols. We will be continuing our study about Martin Luther King Jr.

Don’t forget this week we will have a spelling test. Your child will also be tested on sight words or math facts. We are encouraging all of the children to take at least one AR test each week. We will check out library books on Monday to ensure that each child has a book that they can read and take an AR test on during the week.

Thanks for your support at home! Have a wonderful week J -Shannon

Also…A note from Amanda Remington:
Hi everyone!  Liam and Camille’s birthday party will be on January 30th .  Your child should receive an invitation later this week with the details.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Off to an AWESOME start!

We are off to a great start this week! Everyone is getting into a great groove! The kids were so sweet and greeted me with lots of hugs yesterday morning. They even surprised me with a "Welcome Back Mrs. Shannon" sign! This week we have been reviewing language arts and math skills. In social studies we will be learning about Martin Luther King Jr. I am so impressed with how far they have come since August! Today I introduced the children to "Wiggle Wednesday" creative writing. Make sure to take a peek at your child's wiggle writing today. I had the best time watching their imaginations at work! A few notes....

-Homework and spelling/sight word/math facts tests will start next week.
- Mark your calendars for Feb. 10th. Our building will be going on a field trip to Macon to see a play. Details coming soon!
- We will begin to check out library books on Monday so that the children can have a book to take AR test on during the week. Your child is required to take at least one AR test a week. 

Off to an AWESOME start in 2016! -Mrs. Shannon

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Happy New Year!

Image result for happy 2016 clipart

Happy 2016 first grade family! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! We had such a sweet Christmas with our new little baby gal at our house. This coming week will be a week of transitioning back into the groove of first grade(for the kids and for me! :) ) There will be no homework or tests this week. We will start spelling, sight words/math facts, etc the following week. I am so excited to see how far the children have come since August. I hope everyone has a great weekend! Please tell your children that I can't wait to give them each a huge hug on Tuesday morning. I am expecting lots of sleepy heads on Tuesday so I have several fun activities to get us all excited to be back at school. Happy 2016 everyone! It's going to be a great one in first grade. See you soon!