Sunday, September 27, 2015

Week of September 28, 2015

Officially Fall


Well, it's officially Fall! It seems that we have kicked off the season with A LOT of rain! Nonetheless, we had a great week last week celebrating Johnny Appleseed and our animals. We made very yummy applesauce and very sticky caramel apples! We talked about  Johnny Appleseed's birthday and how we can be good citizens just like him in our own world today. We learned about apple orchards and we even had our animals blessed! I'd have to say it was a great week!


This week and the month of October seems to be pretty busy. There are a lot of upcoming events so be on the look out this week for the October Calendar in your child's binder. There are a couple of things that I want to tell you about in advance. This Tuesday is our family picnic and fun run. There is also a cross country meet and a volley ball game. It should be a lot of fun, so please come and join us!


Thursday, October 1st is the Fall flower pick up. So, if you ordered flowers, make sure that you pick them up this Thursday. Thursday, October 8th is a "Mix - it - up lunch". The whole school will eat together outside on the picnic tables and blankets this day. Please, do not send anything for lunch that needs to be microwaved as we do not have access outside that day. Thanks in advance for this!


Friday, October 9th is a half day for students and it is Grandparents/Grandfriend's Day. This will be a fun day for Grandparents to come and see a program that the students are working on as well as receive a gift and see our classroom. We will begin making gifts this week. Please make sure that you return the information sheet that I sent home last week about gifts by Friday. This will help me know how much to make. Also, it will let me know if your child will be going home with someone different that day. I will have a sign out sheet in my room to make things a little easier for check out.


That's all for now! It's going to be a great week! As always, let me know if there is anything I can do for you!

~Mrs. Emily

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